Haut dans les Cordes
Haut dans les cordes is French and means to play high in the strings.
The harpist plucks the strings close to the harps neck.
The difference in sound between haut dans les cordes and the normal position is quite subtle. Notes played high in the strings in general sound a little softer and have a thinner color than normal tones.
H.d.l.c is written above or below a note or a group of notes. It should be clear when the h.d.l.c. passage ends. Write ordinario (ord.) or use lines for clarity.

This effect is possible over the whole harp, however its use is most effective in the middle register. In the low register it is difficult for the harpist to reach the high end of the strings and in the high register the effect is minimal.

Optimal range for h.d.l.c.